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Postcode Saint-Gérard in Belgium 5640


Europe > Belgium  >Saint-Gérard

Do you looking for the Zip Code for Saint-Gérard in Belgium? Sometimes there are another name in German, Français or Flamand: Saint-Gérard

Zip Code for Saint-Gérard: 5640

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Saint-Gérard is a city in the country of Belgium. Belgium  is a country in Europe. There are 3 official language in Belgium:  Dutch, German, French. There live about 11.376.070 (1. Januar 2018) people. Saint-Gérard has an area of ​​26705943,67 square meter. Do you want to send a parcel or a map to Saint-Gérard ? For this you need the postal code. Here it is for you: 5640. the indication to postal code  5640 for Saint-Gérard is from May 24, 2019 . More information for Saint-Gérard you can find on wikipedia. The PseudoINS is 92087B.


Latitude: 50.3542413633  – Longitude:  4.71795160705 – State: Saint-Gérard Saint-Gérard

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