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Postcode Itamaraju 45836-000


South America > Brazil > Itamaraju

Do you looking for the Postal Code for Itamaraju?

Zip Code for Itamaraju: 45836-000

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is a city in the country of Brasil. Brasilis a country in South America and belongs to the state Bahia. The official language is portuguese. With over 200 million inhabitants, basilien is the most populous country in South America. Do you want to send a parcel or a map to Itamaraju? For this you need the postal code. Here it is for you: 45836-000. the last update of the postal code  45836-000 is from 02/17/2012. More information for  you can find on wikipedia.

Latitude: -16.9452 – Longitude: -39.8127 – State: Bahia

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