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Postcode 74633 Bålsta in Uppsala, Sweden


Europe > Sweden > Uppsala > Håbo

Do you looking for the Zip Code for Bålsta, Håbo in Uppsala?

Zip Code for Bålsta: 74633

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Bålsta is a city in one of the 29 countries Uppsala of Sweden and belongs to the 290 Municipalities Håbo. The abbreviation C is used for state Uppsala. Sweden is a country in Europe. The official language is swedish. There live about 10.452.326 (2021) people. The population density is 23 inhabitants per km². That’s not much in an international comparison. Do you want to send a parcel or a map to Håbo? For this you need the postal code. Here it is for you: 74633. the indication to postal code 74633 is from 02/23/2012. More information for Bålsta you can find on wikipedia.


Latitude: 59.5671 – Longitude: 17.5278 – Bålsta

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