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The Australian postcodes

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The postcode system in Australia

The first two digits of the zip code indicate the state or region. Postcodes are divided geographically:

New South Wales from 1000 to 1999, 2000 to 2599 and 2619 to 2898,
Norfolkinseln Postcode 2899,
New South Wales from 2921 to 2999,
Australian Capital Territory from 0200 to 0299, 2600 to 2618 and 2900 to 2920,
Victoria from 3000 to 3999 and 8000 to 8999,
Queensland from 4000 to 4999 and 9000 to 9999,
South Australia from 5000 to 5799 and 5800 to 5999,
Western Australia from 6000 to 6797.
The Christmas Islands Postcode 6798,
the Coconut Islands Postcode 6799,
Western Australia Postcode 6999,
Tasmanien from 7000 to 7150, 7152 to 7799 and 7800 to 7999.
Northern Territory from 0800 to 0899 and from 0900 to 0999.

Looking for Sydney Postcode? This is between 2000 and 2009. Melbourne zip code is between 3000 and 3051. Perth’s postal codes are between 6000 and 6152 and Brisbane has postal codes 4000 to 4179. Adelaide has the zip code 5000 and the state capital Canberra has been assigned the numbers 2600 to 2609.

Australian postcodes were introduced by the Postmaster-General’s Department in 1967. This superseded older systems, such as Melbourne’s alphanumeric sorting codes. A zip code was assigned to each post office. Today they are managed by Australia Post. The four-digit code is used to sort and deliver letters and parcels.

The correct zip code format for Australia

The zip code is written at the end of the address. The correct order is:

  • Location
  • alphabetical extraction code
  • Postcode
  • (country)

There are usually four orange rectangles on the bottom right of the envelopes for writing the zip code. This pattern was introduced in 1990 to increase the read rate of postal codes.

Example für Zip Codes in Australia

Post code 6285 Osmington

Post code 4110 Acacia Ridge

Post code 7116 Geeveston

Post code 3634 Katandra West

The postal code (zip code) system in Australia was introduced by the Australian Post Office and is used to address letters and parcels within the country. Each postcode in Australia consists of four digits and indicates the location of an address within the country.

The first two digits of the zip code identify the state or territory where the address is located. The last two digits of the zip code indicate the local area within the state or territory. For example, the “2000” postcode is for central Sydney, New South Wales, while the “0800” postcode is used for the Northern Territory.

It is important to note that the zip code alone is not enough to accurately identify an address. To provide a full address in Australia, the street, borough and state or territory must also be provided.

How many zip codes are there in australia?

There are more than 8,000 different postcodes in Australia. These are used by the Australian Post Office to deliver letters and parcels within the country. ZIP codes are used in every state and territory in the country and cover all local areas. Australia postcodes are updated regularly to ensure they are always accurate and up to date.

It is important to note that postcodes in Australia are not necessarily used in ascending order. They are assigned based on geographic and demographic factors to ensure they are as effective as possible for delivering letters and parcels. In this way, postcodes in Australia can help simplify and speed up the delivery of letters and parcels around the country.

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